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She Shed




Thank you for taking a moment to view my webpage and my bio. 


My name is Eileen Oles and I am the owner/photographer of She Shed Photography.  I have been in love with photography since the early 90's when I first purchased my Pentax Film SLR camera.  I'll never forget keeping track of each picture, what settings I selected, what the weather conditions were like, what time of day it was, time of year, etc. Then comparing those notes to what was developed.  It was a difficult and expensive way to learn but also rewarding and boy did I get a lot of film developed.


From my Pentax, I did my best to keep up with my advancement in skill level and technology going from film to digital and Pentax to Nikon.  Fast forward to today I am shooting a Sony Mirrorless camera and I must say it has been my favorite upgrade/change by far!  Sony has taken the mirrorless camera world by storm and Canon &Nikon are doing their best to keep up.   

When it comes to photography there is not one thing that I do not love or appreciate about it.  I love the artistry, the technical, the post-shoot editing, the ongoing learning of the craft, the business, the new and fresh ideas for posing, backdrops, super-bright lighting, mood lighting, using natural and strobe lighting to always be ready for what mother nature throws my way. 


Actually, I stand corrected.  If there is one area of the photography business that I find most challenging is marketing myself and pricing my craft and skill level appropriately.  I once read a quote that read; "You are not paying me for the hour service I am providing but for the years of time and effort I have put into my craft."  It is so very true, I put my whole heart and soul into my craft because I want my customers to walk away with not only a great experience but also great memories captured for a lifetime.   

Contact me

Tel: 215.589.4602



2368 Brownsville Road

Langhorne, PA 19053

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